What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state?Georgia
I went to a lawyer for an uncontested divorce and he told me that I /husband must be living in separate residences to file for an uncontested divorce in Georgia, and he would not file unless we were, yet I read in a legal book that one can be living in same residence and file. We want to file but neither can move out right now because of financial. Is there a GA code that states that ones can live in same residence and file uncontested, if so what is the GA code #? Thanks.
I went to a lawyer for an uncontested divorce and he told me that I /husband must be living in separate residences to file for an uncontested divorce in Georgia, and he would not file unless we were, yet I read in a legal book that one can be living in same residence and file. We want to file but neither can move out right now because of financial. Is there a GA code that states that ones can live in same residence and file uncontested, if so what is the GA code #? Thanks.