My husband and I have lived in Missouri since we got married 3 years ago. We moved to his home town in Washington state in July because he couldnt find a job(even though he didnt look very hard) in Missouri. I ended up hating Washington state so I moved back to Missouri in September with our daughter. He stayed in Washington because he thinks hes bettering our family. Well anyways, we are having some issues about where to live because I dont want to be in Washington and he doesnt want to be in Missouri. I have been thinking about filing for seperation in case things dont work out because I dont want to be screwed if we get a divorce. We are just waiting and seeing what happens at the time being. Is there something like commom law with being married for seperation like if we are apart for so many months than we are legally seperated or do we have to go through the courts? And which state would have jurisdiction? Would I have to file it in Missouri or does he have to file it in Washington?