What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? new york i wanted to know if my husband files seperation paers and i dont want to be seperated do i have to sign them and what happens if i dont can he do anything
In the end, if your husband wants a separation and/or divorce, he will get it. You can delay it (sometimes), but you can't stop it.
I would suggest an initial consultation with an attorney so you understand the process and your rights. Some will give you the initial consultation free, and if not, the charge should be nominal.
Beyond that, you really have 3 options:
1. If the marriage is salvageable, you could work on that, perhaps with counseling (single or joint). However, if your husband isn't interested, that probably won't go anywhere.
2. You can fight tooth and nail in the legal system to try to drag the process out as long as possible - making everyone's life miserable.
3. You can resign yourself to the fact that you're going to be separated (and probably divorced after that) and try to work through the process jointly to work out issues as amicably as possible.
People survive divorce. Some end up happier in the end and some end up as miserable people who thrive on trying to ruin everyone else's life. You'll see examples of both on this board. To a large degree, which path you choose is up to you.