I manage & perform in a band in Texas. There is one member of the band that has "come up" with the band's name and used it commercially a few years prior to our lead performer joining the group. Those 2 have been performing in the group for over 18 years, a 3rd member has performed with them for 8-9 years, myself for 3-4 years. We've recently had a member (the 8-9 yr. fellow) drop out and threaten to start his own group with our band's name. Does the original band member "own" the band's name? If it hasn't been trademark/servicemarked can we do that to protect the name for the group's use? How can we protect our band's name from being used in others website/domain names? How does a cease & desist letter work?
many thanks, texbettyWhat is the name of your state?
many thanks, texbettyWhat is the name of your state?