I'm in a dispute with my landlord,
who is a brand new landlord and has broken the lease in several ways.
The lease was broken by the landlord several different times, up to 3 months before any of the tenants decided to break the lease.
First, the lease was broken because the tenant who made the damages allowed her partner to live on the premises. The landlord neglected to do anything about the problem and never issued any paperwork stating that the tenant's partner could stay, nor was he put on the lease at any point.
Second, the landlord was aware of the growing of marijuana on the premises and neglected to do anything. I have written documents proving that he knew and did nothing.
Third, the police were notified about harassment occurring on the premises during a situation between myself and the said roommate/partner in which I was called derogatory names based on my sexual orientation. The lease states, "It is the policy of Owner that harassment or intimidation of a tenant, staff person or guests because of that person’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or familial status, will not be tolerated and could be grounds for termination of tenancy." The landlord neglected to do anything about these issues as well, despite the obvious fact that this dispute would halt us from living together in the future.
Landlord has threatened to sue everyone on the lease because of damages that were made by only one tenant (and her partner not on the lease). He is having difficulty locating the tenant that made the damages and is planning to sue the other tenants for the damages.
Is a landlord obligated to serve everyone on the lease? He seems to be showing a great amount of favoritism towards the other roommate (they have even been seen at the bars together!).
does he have the power to only serve the people he can locate?What is the name of your state?
who is a brand new landlord and has broken the lease in several ways.
The lease was broken by the landlord several different times, up to 3 months before any of the tenants decided to break the lease.
First, the lease was broken because the tenant who made the damages allowed her partner to live on the premises. The landlord neglected to do anything about the problem and never issued any paperwork stating that the tenant's partner could stay, nor was he put on the lease at any point.
Second, the landlord was aware of the growing of marijuana on the premises and neglected to do anything. I have written documents proving that he knew and did nothing.
Third, the police were notified about harassment occurring on the premises during a situation between myself and the said roommate/partner in which I was called derogatory names based on my sexual orientation. The lease states, "It is the policy of Owner that harassment or intimidation of a tenant, staff person or guests because of that person’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or familial status, will not be tolerated and could be grounds for termination of tenancy." The landlord neglected to do anything about these issues as well, despite the obvious fact that this dispute would halt us from living together in the future.
Landlord has threatened to sue everyone on the lease because of damages that were made by only one tenant (and her partner not on the lease). He is having difficulty locating the tenant that made the damages and is planning to sue the other tenants for the damages.
Is a landlord obligated to serve everyone on the lease? He seems to be showing a great amount of favoritism towards the other roommate (they have even been seen at the bars together!).
does he have the power to only serve the people he can locate?What is the name of your state?