Here's the Deal.
A huge limb from a tree fell on my mother n laws house during a storm. She nor I didn't know that the insurance company would pay to have the limb removed. We knew they would pay for damages to the roof but not to remove the limb itself.
She called her insurance company and spoke with a receptionist and was told her agent was out of town, so she told the receptionist what she was calling for and the receptionist told her she would give the agent her information and he would call her back.
A few days go by, and he hasn't returned her call. So, on Aug. 20th after she told me she never heard from him, i took pictures of the limb and told him i was going to get on her roof to see if there was any damage to it and try to remove the limb. what did i need to do in case of any damage and he informed me to just take pictures and let him know.
My mother n law called him back a few days later to check let him know about the limb and he told her that he had already talked to me about it. He never told her nor me that it was covered under her homeowners policy or offered to send an adjuster to look.
So, on later afternoon Sept. 1st i get on the house to see how much of the limb i could remove and see if there was any damage. i was trying to beat a forecasted rain we had on the way in the next few days and didn't want her to suffer any more damage to her house. While getting the limb off i lost my footing and fell from her very steep roof, landed on her ac unit and then fell onto the ground. I was completely knocked out for around 5 minutes with foam coming out of my mouth. When i came too i was surrounded by first responders and shortly thereafter an ambulance arrived. They were all just telling me not to move.
I was taking to the local er, where they discovered i had broken all 12 ribs on the right side of my body. My 12 ribs had over 20 fractures in them, i crushed my right collar bone, broke my them and fractured my wrist.
They airlifted me to the nearest trauma center. I was admitted to the hospital through their ER, I was in the hospital for 10 days and underwent surgery having some of ribs steel plated, they removed my collar bone and replace with steel plates, i had to have a chest tube inserted for several days to drain fluid from my lung.
Once i was released and home i asked about the limb and who got it off the house, i was informed that the insurance, the same guy i talked too had paid to have the limb removed and damage to her house fixed. So, at that point i was wonder why he never told her or me that insurance would cover the limb removeable since it was due to a storm. He never offered or mentioned sending an adjuster. I would think if it was a covered claim, he would have told me by no means do not get on her house and risk injury, that this is a covered claim and to let him send an adjuster. In that case i would have never gotten on her house and all of this would have never happened.
We talked to him about it, and he said her liability would not pay any of my medical or anything. So i'm curious if i have a case against the agent or insurance company for him neglecting to tell us the limb removeable was covered under insurance and failing to do his job properly. Had i successfully removed the limb that was just money he would have saved.
Just curious to get opinions on if this would be worth me pursing or not. My hospital bills including air flight are up to $280,000 dollars plus i missed 3 weeks of work my wife missed two weeks and I'm still recovering and in a lot of pain. Also, may need surgery on my wrist to have it plated a pinned.
Would appreciate any opinions.