What is the name of your state? Texas I had my house in Ft Worth on the market for 10 months, I had relocated to San Antonio, Texas, and was paying rent and my mortgage, my realtor suggested asking my mortgage company for an approval for a short sale, he did not know if it was going to be approved, due to the fact that I was not delinquent at all, and had never been late on my mortgage payment, it was just getting tough financially. Anyways, to make it short, the house sold the end of March, I offically never received anything from the mortgage company saying that I had gotten approved until right before the closing. Now 4 months later, the mortgage company is showing me currently 90 days late on my mortgage, after the house has been sold and the deed has been filed, and I never was late to begin with, they have even stated that they don't know why this short sale was ever approved, due to me not being delinquent. The mortgage still shows open, they say that they are waiting on the funding from Fannie Mae. Can they legally report me, when this is false????