I was waiting to turn left, and at the time the light turned yellow, there were already two vehicles waiting inside the intersection. My car was third, and I was over the pedestrian lane. It's my understanding after the fact that I should have been waiting behind the stopline and not have gone forward whatsoever, even though I see cars do it all the time. Therefore, I should not have been able to enter the middle of the intersection and turn after the light turned yellow.
So this is the question. I was over the pedestrian lane but I wasn't really blocking vehicle traffic. Although I shouldn't have gone past the stopline, after doing it, don't I have a duty to clear because I was blocking pedestrian traffic?
I was waiting to turn left, and at the time the light turned yellow, there were already two vehicles waiting inside the intersection. My car was third, and I was over the pedestrian lane. It's my understanding after the fact that I should have been waiting behind the stopline and not have gone forward whatsoever, even though I see cars do it all the time. Therefore, I should not have been able to enter the middle of the intersection and turn after the light turned yellow.
So this is the question. I was over the pedestrian lane but I wasn't really blocking vehicle traffic. Although I shouldn't have gone past the stopline, after doing it, don't I have a duty to clear because I was blocking pedestrian traffic?