I live in NJ ANd attend college in NJ. I took and Economics class in the summer of 2008. I walked with the Chair of the Business department to the registrars office. I registered for a course. the registrar and the chair of the Bus Dept. signed off on the registration slip. later that day the chair of the Bus department came to the class i registered for and said the registrar made a mistake. I was supposed to petion to retake the course. However he told me stay in the course and to petition. I did remain in the course and recieved a grade. I was never explained the petition process in detail until Fall 2008 buy the previous Bus Dept chair. So technically i took a course without being registered so the was no official record of me taking the course other than the professor. In december i petioned for the course and received my grade. However that course i petined for was a prerequisite for the last class i needes for graduation in may 2009. I do admit i petioned late. nOw the class i need is closed im the 2nd person on the waiting list. Its a verypopular course. year after year the college recognizes how popular the course is but they only offere it once a semester.
I assumed even though i petioned late i would have no problem getting into the course. The colleges gives the professor control over allowing students into their closed classes. However in the previous semster the class was also closed. I went to the professor of the class i needed and she said i could take the course as long as i had taked the prerequsite ecn course. Remebr i took the course but there was no record of it last semester., I had to petition. so I couldnt take that course. However being i was let in to the class ( under the stipulations that i had taken the prerequsite course) I assumed once i petitioned i and got credit for the prerequsite course i would be granted access to the course i needed to graduate. However now the professor isntl lettign me in which mean i have to wait all the way until 2010 to graduate instead of this may?
Do I have a case?
I assumed even though i petioned late i would have no problem getting into the course. The colleges gives the professor control over allowing students into their closed classes. However in the previous semster the class was also closed. I went to the professor of the class i needed and she said i could take the course as long as i had taked the prerequsite ecn course. Remebr i took the course but there was no record of it last semester., I had to petition. so I couldnt take that course. However being i was let in to the class ( under the stipulations that i had taken the prerequsite course) I assumed once i petitioned i and got credit for the prerequsite course i would be granted access to the course i needed to graduate. However now the professor isntl lettign me in which mean i have to wait all the way until 2010 to graduate instead of this may?
Do I have a case?