My fiance's co-worker has this car he's trying to sell and we are looking for another car so we decided to go see it. My fiance loved it so this co-worker made us what seemed to be a good deal. He wanted $2500 for the car but agreed to knock off $1000 if my fiance would go 35 miles out of his way for 2 weeks to pick this guy up at the jail so he could go to work. We said that we would do it if he agreed that we could make payments to him of $50 a week or more(whatever we could pay that week-no less than $50). He agreed to the deal and signed a written agreement that stated this. Now he changed his mind and wants $500 down on the car or we can't get it at all. My fiance has already taken him back and forth to work for that 2 weeks and this guy all of a sudden changed his mind about this agreement?! Should I use small claims court for gas money for that 2 weeks? Or should I try to get the car and do what was in the agreement?