What is the name of your state? florida
my husband and i owe over $70,000 in credit card debt. he is disabled and get less than $600 per month. i own a small business which is a sole proprietorship. right now the business is barely making it, but it is producing a little income. i am able to pay my car payment, electric, car insurance, and buy food, but there just isn't enough right now to pay the credit cards. help!!! what should we do? file c7, c13 or just try to wait out the bad times and hope no one sues us?
my husband and i owe over $70,000 in credit card debt. he is disabled and get less than $600 per month. i own a small business which is a sole proprietorship. right now the business is barely making it, but it is producing a little income. i am able to pay my car payment, electric, car insurance, and buy food, but there just isn't enough right now to pay the credit cards. help!!! what should we do? file c7, c13 or just try to wait out the bad times and hope no one sues us?