Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennessee
I'm not sure if this falls under the category of real estate law, but here goes: Basically, the situation is that I have several siblings; we are all of adult age. Recently, one became divorced and moved into our mother's home due to financial issues. Although our mother viewed this as a temporary situation, our sister does not. She has hinted to others about her belief that if she remains as a "guest" at our mother's house long enough, she will eventually own it. Our mother is in her 70's, very passive, and unable to set limits against our sister, who is very domineering.
Bottom line is this: Our mother is herself divorced and may not even have a current Will. It's very difficult to discuss these matters with her, so she may not. While this sounds rather awful, the rest of the siblings view it as unfair that our sister could assume ownership of a fairly valuable piece of property, not to mention the contents of the house, simply by never moving out. In Tennessee, are there some kind of "squatter's rights" or other laws that would pertain to this situation?
Let's say it's a decade or two from now and our mother passes away, and the sibling is still living in the basement. If our mother's Estate is divided between all the kids, can the rest of us either force the one sibling out of the home so it can be sold? (She's not likely to have the money to "buy out" everyone else's shares). Our concern is that she would simply say, as she is already hinting, that she has nowhere else to go, has been living there a long time, and therefore should be allowed to stay indefinitely -- or worse, that she "claims" the property as her own due to having been allowed to live there for so long.
What are the relevant legal issues? Can anything be done to prevent an ugly situation from happening years from now?
I'm not sure if this falls under the category of real estate law, but here goes: Basically, the situation is that I have several siblings; we are all of adult age. Recently, one became divorced and moved into our mother's home due to financial issues. Although our mother viewed this as a temporary situation, our sister does not. She has hinted to others about her belief that if she remains as a "guest" at our mother's house long enough, she will eventually own it. Our mother is in her 70's, very passive, and unable to set limits against our sister, who is very domineering.
Bottom line is this: Our mother is herself divorced and may not even have a current Will. It's very difficult to discuss these matters with her, so she may not. While this sounds rather awful, the rest of the siblings view it as unfair that our sister could assume ownership of a fairly valuable piece of property, not to mention the contents of the house, simply by never moving out. In Tennessee, are there some kind of "squatter's rights" or other laws that would pertain to this situation?
Let's say it's a decade or two from now and our mother passes away, and the sibling is still living in the basement. If our mother's Estate is divided between all the kids, can the rest of us either force the one sibling out of the home so it can be sold? (She's not likely to have the money to "buy out" everyone else's shares). Our concern is that she would simply say, as she is already hinting, that she has nowhere else to go, has been living there a long time, and therefore should be allowed to stay indefinitely -- or worse, that she "claims" the property as her own due to having been allowed to live there for so long.
What are the relevant legal issues? Can anything be done to prevent an ugly situation from happening years from now?