Statute of limitations
Hi there, Jane.
I am not a lawyer or anything, just so you know. I'm just a college student. But I was recently raped (as well as being raped when I was 9 years old). I went to the library to look for statutes of limitations. It depends what state you live in.
I was surprised to learn that there is a long statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse. Many states have it as so many years after the victim turns 18 or 21. Others state so many years after you discover the abuse. (As in, if you repressed it, like my case and many others.) Try going to the website of your local police. For the county in which you live. If that fails, go to your state police's website. The statutes should be listed there somewhere.
I believe I have a website bookmarked that lists what the statutes are for various states. The legal jargon is a little confusing, however. You'd need to talk to someone who understands it better than I do. I will look for the website address and post it here. I hope you are able to get help for this. As best I understand, I missed out on prosecution by a couple of years.
(I'm 23 now.)