What is the name of your state? Colorado
My 20 year old son took my car without permission and wrecked it today. I have no coverage on it because I do not drive it. I work from home and take the bus when needed. It stays parked on my private property everyday because it has alot of electrical problems. He does however have insurance on his vehicle but it is only liability. I want to know if his insurance will cover the damage he has done to my car. The bummer is I just had over $500 in repairs done so I could drive it soon with insurance on it. HELP
My 20 year old son took my car without permission and wrecked it today. I have no coverage on it because I do not drive it. I work from home and take the bus when needed. It stays parked on my private property everyday because it has alot of electrical problems. He does however have insurance on his vehicle but it is only liability. I want to know if his insurance will cover the damage he has done to my car. The bummer is I just had over $500 in repairs done so I could drive it soon with insurance on it. HELP