My spouse and I live apart. We have lived apart for the entire year of 2000. Two of our three minor children reside with her 80-90 % of the time. I have allowed this to prevent custody battles prior to a divorce action. I paid ~$13 000.00, in VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE with Ga. Law and WITHOUT a Court Order, in child support to her in either direct payments or in services to the kids; ie school lunches, clothes, entertainment, doctor visits, medicines, and various sundries during 2000. Yes I can document the Law and the payments. She use the minor children as exemptions for 2000. She was working part time at the end of the year. I did not sign an 8338 or what ever releasing the exemptions. To the best of my understanding I can qualify under publication 501; however, publication 504 give custody based on the majority of time spent. In reading 504 it said “generally” as to custody. I need to find the following:
1. What does the generally mean, is there an exception.
2. If there is an exception, what, where and how - please.
3. Reading sources, contact sources and procedures.
4. All opinions welcome.
Thx Finn
My spouse and I live apart. We have lived apart for the entire year of 2000. Two of our three minor children reside with her 80-90 % of the time. I have allowed this to prevent custody battles prior to a divorce action. I paid ~$13 000.00, in VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE with Ga. Law and WITHOUT a Court Order, in child support to her in either direct payments or in services to the kids; ie school lunches, clothes, entertainment, doctor visits, medicines, and various sundries during 2000. Yes I can document the Law and the payments. She use the minor children as exemptions for 2000. She was working part time at the end of the year. I did not sign an 8338 or what ever releasing the exemptions. To the best of my understanding I can qualify under publication 501; however, publication 504 give custody based on the majority of time spent. In reading 504 it said “generally” as to custody. I need to find the following:
1. What does the generally mean, is there an exception.
2. If there is an exception, what, where and how - please.
3. Reading sources, contact sources and procedures.
4. All opinions welcome.
Thx Finn