I don't remember you saying that she made a statement that was filed. That is bad news. Yes, she can be charged for filing false statements. I believe that he has to press that charge. Yes, he can get off if she files an affidavit that says he didn't and he says he didn't. Is there an order of protection for her?
2nd part
The bail was high probably becuase of the type of charge. The charge states that he is violent. Judges don't like things like that and are usually extra specially harsh on those people. I don't really think that leaving the scene had anything to do with it.
Well, it is possible to get it dismissed, but it depends on both parties. Well, for a usual sentence, it depends. If it the first offence he might just get probation, depending on how the judge see's it. I know from experience that judges like to put people like that in jail for a few months at least. Make sure he does things that could infuence the judge to be lenient or have her tell the judge in person that she wants the charges dimissed and that he didn't do it. You could have her say that she was afraid that he "might" do it. That would be a good idea, if you and her want him off. Jail time? Well, keep things posted. Try to post the plea bargain before he accepts it. There is a good chance of jail time, usually at least a few months, if he gets convicted. No Problem, I'm always willing to help.