check this out
First of all the*********** was an accident, second why dont you read the rest of the questions on this site, it is all about people who dont know the system and want help. Third you dont even know me so kiss my asssss.Fourth why dont you listen to the question that I asked, I was told by SS that if I made to much money that I would lose SSI and in turn lose med. ins. which would disqualify me for in home support, and with a daughter that gets hospitalized for a simple cold you dont need that. " in feb. she spent 35 days because of a cold that put her on a ventilator, and we almost lost her". so dont even think you can even begin to know what I go threw on a daily basis. It was the worker from in home support that told me I could get a good paying job and not lose med. ins. So in turn I was simply asking if someone here would know the answer. By the way 13 days into her stay we got a bill for $220,000 because they said we did not have med. ins."they lost the papers" so imagine what 35 days would cost if we didnt have ins. So do you have something smart to say you ignorant SOB..... Also if you didnt have anything helpful or intelligent to say why did you even respond, did you have a bad day or something, because that is not what this site is for . Oh ya the in home support is for my wife to take care of the kids because they require 24hr. care and both of us cant work, we love our kids and dont want some nurse to take care of them, in fact it is actually cheaper for the state. So dont act like I am milking the system.If it were my choice I would have a job with good pay and benifits, but they cant even have regular ins. because of a pre existing condition. and no I'm not mad at my-self, just stupid people like you piss me off. If mad at anyone it would be the state, because it seems like they dont want some people to prosper, but I guess that is for the people who abuse SSI and not those who need it. Anyway keep your rude ignorant comments to your self, otherwise that is my true name, look me up.