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What is the name of your state?fl
what is the S of L for reopening a DV case? His lawyer had me hide the fact that I was preg. and only give him a coached statement. My ex swore he would be different (1st offense) and he never meant to hurt us. I believed him, I know rookie mistake, I just wanted him home. Well my son is now a mo. old and although we split his drinking is worse and now im scared of him getting unsupervised visits. He does things he doesnt mean when hes drunk. It was misdemeanor batttery. Me being prego at the time is a whole different ball game ( felony).I need to protect my boy and persuing the case is the only way,so I was told. Can it be reopened based on the new evidence?
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Just Blue

Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
What is the name of your state?fl
what is the sl for reopening a dv case? his lawyer had me hide the fact that i was preg. and only give him a coached statement. my ex swore he would be dif. (1st offense) and he never meant to hurt us. i believed him i know rookie mistake i just wanted him home well my son is now a mo old and although we split his drinking is worse and now im cared of him getting unsup visits he does things he doesnt mean when hes drunk. it was mis batt. me being preg at the time is a whole dif ball game ( felony) can it be reopened based on the new evidence?

Honey...You need to rewrite this ...no one will respond. Edit with correct spelling and no abbreviations...You will get more responses...
its red

baystategirl said:
Honey...You need to rewrite this ...no one will respond. Edit with correct spelling and no abbreviations...You will get more responses...
sorry blue :p holding baby n typing is dif. will do thanx

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