I live in ALABAMA, I am having issues with my sons dad. We were never married. Him and his new wife has been harrassing me for almost a year. I have filed harrassment reports with the police. They contiune to turn me into DHR (child potection services in Alabama) accusing me of abuse. Everytime they get "unfounded and/or not indicated" they try it again. They are keeping my life in turnoil. They do not realize that the only person this is hurting is my son. I am now in the process of trying to get a restrainting order against them. Its not that I don't want my son to see his father, it's that I am tired of the harrassment and verbal abuse from both of them. I tried to get a restraining order filed against the step-mother but here in Alabama you can't do that unless you have had "relations" with the person. I jsut want them to stop harrassing me and my son. THe step-mother's 14yr old daughter is telling my 6yrs old about "cutting" and that if he doesn't get fat then he will grew up to "cut" and wear all black and dream of dying, and killing himself. This is a 6yr old that knows nothing about these issues of life and does not need to either. THey are telling he does not need to eat my food because it will not make him strong and big, he only needs to eat hamburgers and hot dogs at there house. I mean this is ridiculious. It's like they will stop at nothing. They have got my son kicked out of school, we have had to move. They drive by my work all the time, supposely took pictures of cars at my house, call asking my son who is here and who have I have talking to to and where we have been. There people are like a volacno about to explose, so what happens when I go to my truck and it blows up? SO, to go on and on, I'm a little hyper at this point, my son is not sleeping becuase he thinks "the men with the knifes are going to get us and kill us for not eating right" So, therefore I"m getting no sleep! If anyone has any advise, it would be great!!