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stopping foreclosure before sale? desperate

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? kansas/wichita
I have a home and have been notified of sale by auction .
I am disabled have 2 kids and my wife is working and going to school to get a better job.
I was layed off 18 mo,s ago and have gran,mal seizures and was told not to return to work. I have applied for ssi and am applying for non service connected V.A. benifits
mainly because the doctors are telling me to.
All I have is in this home and soon will be homeless , I am allready diagnosed depressed
and "stressed out" this will make it worse.
my wife is diagnosed ptsd from multiple rapes that happened while we were seperated

My question is : can I stop this before the auction takes place ? I am trying to contact
a place that does this but am afraid that it will not be soon enough.
the aution is set for feb 14,
my last contact with (washinton mutual) was we were on 90 day hold then it was turned over to the lawyers and now up for sale.
I am searching for answers thank you Rick



I know here (Florida) we have places that help low to no income with saving their homes. Ours is called Florida Rural legal services. You can try Habitat for Humanity, Find some place that can get you an attorney bro bono(sp) Do you have any relatives that can purchase the house? Can you apply to refinance and have the refinance company stop the foreclosure? Can you talk to an "investment" buyer and see if they can purchase your house and you can buy it back?
These are some things we did and it did stop the foreclosure, for now. Good luck.


Senior Member
PLEASE unless you want to fully explain this concept do not give advice about saving ones home! It borders on utter irresponsible advice!
Especially since, if the person cannot afford their home NOW, they probaby won't be able to afford the high payments and interest rate and buy back price of the home THEN.


Junior Member
My computer crashed for a few days.
The rest of the story.
The mortgage company contacted me finally , I am being put on a 90day hold because of my disability .
I had previously thought this done .
My file had been passed around because of shortage of case managers.
I am not sure exactly what will become of all this ,
If I file bankruptcy during this period what will happen????
The case mnger. on this now has been very supportive my loan payments reflect a very good schedule.
I would highly recommend theis mortage co. though, with past issues they have also been very helpfull.
I am trying to get a case together now with a debt mngmt. co. I have never done this and do not know what to expect.
Any help is appreciated thank so much Rick


Senior Member
Others will come along with a different view but if you are working with Washington Mutual it is imperative, read that again imperative that you get ANYTHING and EVERY THING told to you over the phone in written form or it does not mean diddly.

What you have been told on the phone means NOTHING am I getting through becasue if I am not you may lose you home before you can turn around and find yourself with a foreclosure court date and not even know what hit you.

See an Atty to address the Bankruptcy question. Without a full finacial view no one here can tell you if you would qualify and if it would save your home.

Please please do not assume you can trust WM without anything being written. PLEASE!


Junior Member
To get a confirmation that the foreclosure auction was indeed postponed for 90 days, call the mortgage company's Foreclosure Attorneys. Their name and phone# should be listed on the Notice of Default or Notice of Trustee Sale notice. Call them and ask what is the status of your property. They will ask for your loan# and address. When they say, "The property will Not go to sale in Feb., tell them "I am requesting a Written Confirmation that the scheduled sale date of my home has been postponed." Give them a fax# or tell them to mail it to you. This is for your protection. You will have to call in and request this every month before the next auction date.


Junior Member
Thank you .
I am contacting the case mnger on this right now I faxed him some medical records he needed and he is returning my ph. call.
I WILL get him to fax me a written notice of this being stopped .
I am still very afraid .
Everything I have and all the energy and labor I have put out for yrs is here.
I wished I could just say say well I should have worked harder or spent less or not drank so much or ????
I have a true textbook case of what can happen if you work for it. We had nothing (2boxes) 12 1/2 yrs ago and my wife worked as a nurse aide and me in day labor had an apt. then a rental house and saved a down payment and worked very hard and now have the nicest house on the block with 100,s of flowers and many gardens and detailed wood work through out the home.
I also have 12 yrs sobriety and a gifted 9yrold d.d in the top 3% of the state(wow me!)
My wife has serious mental issues and I can not return to work because of seizures.
Not trying to whine but with all the stories you hear from people with 5 credit cards and 2 cars and no plan complaining because they had to give up a car and downsize their home, I nickel and dimed it all and was happy and may lose it while still working and scrimping just because of a few thousand dollars ??????? heck that is what some of these idiots put on their credit cards at christmas at wal mart.
I will let you know what this guy says today thanks very much Rick


Senior Member
Good Luck, but it is best you have a "PLAN" when discussing this issue with the Lender. Though I appreciate what you have been through they are going to be more interested in your long term ability to fullfill your obligations.

ALL, meaning every single one of your conversations should be followed up in writing that includes your own conversations. If you do not have written confirmation of a conversation with 5-10 days better get back on that phone, following the call with a written version of what was said.

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