I made an online pickup in store purchase at a large national chain, $600 purchase. It came off my credit card. Within that purchase were many items I qualified for getting Various rebates to the tune of $400 Total. These rebates of course are time sensitive, must buy specific dates and must mail in by a deadline To receive. Also, the chain’s gimmick is to offer future store visit coupons worth so much on your next visit when you buy a certain amount, so I also received $180 of future visit store coupons, that had a limited redemption period. I picked up my order At the store about 5 days later. I used these future visit coupons, too. Then, another 5 days later I get an email saying ‘your order was cancelled because you didn’t pick it up’. I dismissed it as an error As I had picked up and my credit card wasn’t credited. At the time. Fast forward an additional week, and the full refund has hit my credit card. So I have all this product At home and in essence now didn’t pay for it. Do I have to drag it back to the store? I obviously won’t be crooked and file for the rebates. But if I return it all to the store, first it’s a huge hassle, we live 60 miles away Each way from the store. Second Im out the products and the sales prices and rebates I was going to use (Do the math Above...I was practically getting this stuff for free anyways after rebates and coupons, just for the time & hassle) and if I return them I have to find other gifts to give those who were going to receive some of this stuff, so I lose money savings and my time big time. Third, my fear is if I return them, they’ll just want to re charge me and send me home with them...which I don’t want them even if they price match the sales prices because again, I won’t qualify for the Additional, time sensitive, rebates Buying them now. Fourth, if I give all this product back to the store OR I give it as presents or to charities and later the error is discovered on their end, can they re charge my credit card for it (and I would have no product)? THEN the other complication also comes from the store coupons I earned and used. I’m afraid they’re going to charge me for those, as well, if I call their attention to this. I used them not Knowing of the can of worms here, and used them with the mentality of they were saving me money off their current prices which are way inflated already, aka prices I would not have paid had I not had their earned store coupons Reducing the cost and motivating me To buy. In other words I certainly don’t put $180 real value in what I bought with them and it would be very unfair for them to say I owe them $180 for those coupons. I’m in an ethical predicament but also a ‘what’s my consumer rights considering how much time and hassle this has and could cost me by doing the right thing for the business which is to return the products’? Ive debated if donating it all to unrelated charity may just be the most ethical thing. One time this chain sent me the wrong item and told me just to donate it, and sent me a replacement. That was one $40 item though not hundreds.