What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? New Jersey
Last month- Nov. 24 '04 (usa- Thanksgiving Eve) I was struck in the
nose by a number of 1/2 pound muffin mix boxes. Was reaching for one
high on a shelf when a huge stacked column next to it came down hitting
me on the top of the nose. Consequently there was a big cut on my nose
and it was bleeding. Two managers were called over and they assisted me
with tissues and band aids. They took my name, address, etc. and told me they thought I would need stitches
I was a bit shook up and but also embarrassed.
I didn't seek any type of medical treatment (no insurance)
Ok, so that was last month. I haven't heard from the store. I'm a bit
miffed that they haven't even *followed up* with me either through
themselves or their insurance company. What's worse is that I still
have this scar across the top of my nose which people still stare at
and ask about- it just looks ridiculous and doesn't appear to want to
heal completely
Basically I don't know what to do- I was certain that the supermarket
would have at least called to follow up or heck, even offer me a $20
gift certificate for my troubles!
Or am I just being foolish?
Last month- Nov. 24 '04 (usa- Thanksgiving Eve) I was struck in the
nose by a number of 1/2 pound muffin mix boxes. Was reaching for one
high on a shelf when a huge stacked column next to it came down hitting
me on the top of the nose. Consequently there was a big cut on my nose
and it was bleeding. Two managers were called over and they assisted me
with tissues and band aids. They took my name, address, etc. and told me they thought I would need stitches
I was a bit shook up and but also embarrassed.
I didn't seek any type of medical treatment (no insurance)
Ok, so that was last month. I haven't heard from the store. I'm a bit
miffed that they haven't even *followed up* with me either through
themselves or their insurance company. What's worse is that I still
have this scar across the top of my nose which people still stare at
and ask about- it just looks ridiculous and doesn't appear to want to
heal completely
Basically I don't know what to do- I was certain that the supermarket
would have at least called to follow up or heck, even offer me a $20
gift certificate for my troubles!
Or am I just being foolish?