What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Miane
Hello tryin to find out some info realy fast.
I am still paying off my student loans form school. But had something come up that me and wife(was not married at the time of school) don't like and think is not fair or how it could be legal for them to do. After we got marired The student load(federal one) requied that we fill out info on faimly size and such. After they incress my monthy payment because of my wifes income.
The question is What law or such give them the right to count my wifes income and as she feels holds her accountable for a loan that i got before we got married.
Hello tryin to find out some info realy fast.
I am still paying off my student loans form school. But had something come up that me and wife(was not married at the time of school) don't like and think is not fair or how it could be legal for them to do. After we got marired The student load(federal one) requied that we fill out info on faimly size and such. After they incress my monthy payment because of my wifes income.
The question is What law or such give them the right to count my wifes income and as she feels holds her accountable for a loan that i got before we got married.