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Senior Member
1Peter169 said:
**************...what would that be? How do I file a subpena?

My response:

Okay, it appears that you're looking for step-by-step instructions.

First step: All because you have the ability to type stars or other symbols, doesn't mean you should. They're annoying, and you certainly don't want to annoy anyone on these forums.

Second step: Get up off your fat ass, and get dressed.

Third step: Get in your car and drive to your local bookstore.

Fourth step: In the bookstore, find the legal section.

Fifth step: Buy a book on Family law.

Sixth step: Read the book.

Seventh step: Stop bothering us, and learn to help yourself.

Thanks for stopping by.



Litigation! said:
My response:

Okay, it appears that you're looking for step-by-step instructions.

First step: All because you have the ability to type stars or other symbols, doesn't mean you should. They're annoying, and you certainly don't want to annoy anyone on these forums.

Second step: Get up off your fat ass, and get dressed.

Third step: Get in your car and drive to your local bookstore.

Fourth step: In the bookstore, find the legal section.

Fifth step: Buy a book on Family law.

Sixth step: Read the book.

Seventh step: Stop bothering us, and learn to help yourself.

Thanks for stopping by.


You're right. I guess all I am is a bother. FYI, I HAVE bought the books. I HAVE researched by using Google, and i HAVE gone to the library and checked out what was available. Why are you so mean? I just need help. thanks for nothing. Hope you feel good about yourself now.


Senior Member
1Peter169 said:
You're right. I guess all I am is a bother. FYI, I HAVE bought the books. I HAVE researched by using Google, and i HAVE gone to the library and checked out what was available. Why are you so mean? I just need help. thanks for nothing. Hope you feel good about yourself now.

My response:

Then, I can only conclude that you don't understand what you've read, and thereby, you need an attorney. Since this is the case, why should I, or anyone here, take the time to write something that you're not going to understand?

You see, writing what you did wasn't very helpful for yourself. You only dug your grave deeper.

And yes, I do feel very good about myself.



Final Comments

Litigation! said:
And yes, I do feel very good about myself.

That's because you are self-seeking. You're a woman with issues and like to strut your seniority on this site without the slightest idea of what most of these people are going through. I've read many of your posts on this forum and you seem to have a difficult time with any kind of compassion.

FYI: Since I have NO intentions to ever come back to this forum I will let you and everyone else know that I am actually a woman who is trying to help a friend through a very difficult time. He has no money and is learning this legal stuff as he goes (with my help). I wanted others to answer my questions as if they were talking to a man AND it was just easier to explain the situation in the first person.

My friend should have gotten out of his marriage a long time ago (like 23 years ago) but he kept thinking things would get better. As time went on, things got worse and he was embarrassed by it all. The woman swung a golf club at his head in a fit of anger during a fight over finances. She also hit him in the head with a closed fist when they were discussing getting a divorce. Both times the police were called and both times it was HIM that called. She was asked to leave the first time and arrested the second. So, why is HE made out to be the bad guy?

Anyway, I don't want to argue his case. At least not here.It's not that we're stupid, we just don't know all the legal ins and outs. I know, you're going to say that's why he needs to hire a lawyer. Legal Aid says they don't do divorces and the quotes he's been given are anywhere from $12,000-$20,000 just for final papers, 2 days of trial and prep. When you're only making $13 an hour, that's a little hard to swallow. He's not going to go into debt just to hire a lawyer.

Can't say my experience here has been enjoyable or even helpful, but it again, shows the ignorance of society concerning abusive women. Open your eyes and your heart...just a little. You might be surprised what you'll find when you research this subject. I know for a fact, I was! And my heart goes out to all those men who feel trapped in an abusive relationship and have been emotionally, verbally and physically beaten until their self-esteem is shattered.


1Peter169 is Peter's girlfriend

o.k., Now that you've come out of the closet, as it were, why don't you simply ask your questions as succintly as possible without all of the emotional outbursts? You might consider registering as yourself, and start over.

Stop with all the self pitying rants. If someone is rude, just ask your question again. You really need to get thicker-skinned if you want to be at all effective in helping your friend through his highly contested divorce. It is natural that he will be emotional, and you will feel angry too. Just don't lose sight of the fact that this is his divorce. You need to develop the ability to be as emotionally detached as possible in this situation. People in this forum are very knowledgable and willing to answer legal questions and even give advice. The primary reason you have gotten into so many flaps is because you weren't honest about who you were.
As Peter you sounded weak and full of self-pity. Stop the cat scratching and get to work.


Senior Member
Is this the same Peter who got all emotional sitting in the courtroom next to his soon to be ex? If yes, then be a dear and loan him the money to hire an attorney. You know he will pay it back, right?

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