What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Beautiful Sunny Florida.
The Judge granted me the right to Subpoena all bank records. He has so many Banks and I just don't want to blow it. Five banks so far that I know of. Can I just Subpoena all the banks in a ten mile radius and will the bank records show where the CDs went to.(Probably not) My X had alot of monies in several CDs and he took ALOT out. I do not see it being depostited anywhere. How do I fill out the Subpoenas correctly?
The Judge granted me the right to Subpoena all bank records. He has so many Banks and I just don't want to blow it. Five banks so far that I know of. Can I just Subpoena all the banks in a ten mile radius and will the bank records show where the CDs went to.(Probably not) My X had alot of monies in several CDs and he took ALOT out. I do not see it being depostited anywhere. How do I fill out the Subpoenas correctly?