What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Florida
I have recently left my alcoholic and abusive husband. I have contacted local legal aid who only tell me to attend a divorce clinic and convince my husband to do an uncontested divorce. I also contacted local domestic violence shelter who advised and aided in me filling a petition for an injunction on behalf of my children against my husband. It was denied. I have very little money as I'm not receiving any kind of financial support from him. Because of this, every "affordable" attorney I have spoken with blows me off. My children don't want anything to do with their father and are terrified of going to his house after several incidents that occurred during their visits. When they are in his care, he is drinking and having people over. He sends then to school late or sometimes not at all. He physically abused them. I don't understand how all of this can go on and I can't get any help. I am desperately trying to make a better life for my children and myself, but I just keep dead ending. I am desperate and appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks in advance.
I have recently left my alcoholic and abusive husband. I have contacted local legal aid who only tell me to attend a divorce clinic and convince my husband to do an uncontested divorce. I also contacted local domestic violence shelter who advised and aided in me filling a petition for an injunction on behalf of my children against my husband. It was denied. I have very little money as I'm not receiving any kind of financial support from him. Because of this, every "affordable" attorney I have spoken with blows me off. My children don't want anything to do with their father and are terrified of going to his house after several incidents that occurred during their visits. When they are in his care, he is drinking and having people over. He sends then to school late or sometimes not at all. He physically abused them. I don't understand how all of this can go on and I can't get any help. I am desperately trying to make a better life for my children and myself, but I just keep dead ending. I am desperate and appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks in advance.