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sup. visitation in fl

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What is the name of your state? florida

how hard is in fl to get supervised visitation? what exactly would i have to show the judge as far as reason for petition. (father is big time alcoholic)
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Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
What is the name of your state? florida

how hard is in fl to get supervised visitation? what exactly would i have to show the judge as far as reason for petition. (father is big time alcoholic)
You would have to have hard evidence of dad's alcohol problems, and preferibly evidence that shows that it has negatively impacted the child(ren).
LdiJ said:
You would have to have hard evidence of dad's alcohol problems, and preferibly evidence that shows that it has negatively impacted the child(ren).
our son was just born... he was aressted in sept. for dom. battery I left him after he hit me and its shown on the rep. he was under the influence of alcohol and even stated to the officer "i know i drank too much n this is what i get." he has since been drinking heavily but there is no more solid ev. since sept. we have had little contact despite my efforts (i beleive he should be a part of the babys life he just needs help first) on quite a few occasions he was drunk n was verbally abusive. would there be any grounds to ask for sup. visits pending completion of some sort of alcohol counseling and a parenting class?(he has never been around a newborn) he could be a great dad he just has to do something about his drinking before its too late.
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Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
our son was just born... he was aressted in sept. for dom. battery I left him after he hit me and its shown on the rep. he was under the influence of alcohol and even stated to the officer "i know i drank too much n this is what i get." he has since been drinking heavily but there is no more solid ev. since sept. we have had little contact despite my efforts (i beleive he should be a part of the babys life he just needs help first) on quite a few occasions he was drunk n was verbally abusive. would there be any grounds to ask for sup. visits pending completion of some sort of alcohol counseling and a parenting class?(he has never been around a newborn) he could be a great dad he just has to do something about his drinking before its too late.
The domestic battery charge in September would definitely be grounds to ask for supervised visitation, and even for dad to attend rehab for his alcohol problems....and a parenting class. That's strong evidence.

You also are not required to give him any visitation at all until a court says otherwise...so you are completely free to supervise his visitation until a judge says otherwise. In fact, its quite normal in an unwed situation for dad's to have to visit on a supervised basis at first anyway.
LdiJ said:
The domestic battery charge in September would definitely be grounds to ask for supervised visitation, and even for dad to attend rehab for his alcohol problems....and a parenting class. That's strong evidence.

You also are not required to give him any visitation at all until a court says otherwise...so you are completely free to supervise his visitation until a judge says otherwise. In fact, its quite normal in an unwed situation for dad's to have to visit on a supervised basis at first anyway.
thank you soooo much thats a huge relief..... i forgot to mention the charges were dropped i know dumb move but his lawyer said if they found out i was preg he would go to jail 15 yr. max and i didnt want him in jail for most of the babys life.....i have the police report in which he admits to hitting me and being drunk its written in the comment section filled ot by the officer. so does it matter if he was convicted?


newmommy20 said:
i forgot to mention the charges were dropped i know dumb move but his lawyer said if they found out i was preg he would go to jail 15 yr. max and i didnt want him in jail for most of the babys life.....i have the police report in which he admits to hitting me and being drunk its written in the comment section filled ot by the officer

??? Yesterday (in another thread) you stated:

newmommy20 said:
so if the father isnt there to sign( which i doubt he'll show) the bc will have to be edited later and how bout last name? could the baby have his last name or will that be changed later also?
which lead me to believe that the child had not yet been born. But in this thread:

newmommy20 said:
our son was just born
At any rate, rather the child has arrived or not, I’m wondering how YOU got the charges against him dropped. That’s not something they normally allow a victim of domestic violence to do, is it?
pty said:
??? Yesterday (in another thread) you stated:

which lead me to believe that the child had not yet been born. But in this thread:

At any rate, rather the child has arrived or not, I’m wondering how YOU got the charges against him dropped. That’s not something they normally allow a victim of domestic violence to do, is it?
whats it to you? are you involved? didnt think so. im here to get my legal questions answered i dont have to reveal details if i choose not to so unless you have an answer please dont reply. and yes you can pet. the state to drop charges and choose not to provide info.

i guess that came across rude sorry i have had no sleep n im not a night person i didnt mean to be so rough just kinda frustrated w/ the world please dont take it personally


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
thank you soooo much thats a huge relief..... i forgot to mention the charges were dropped i know dumb move but his lawyer said if they found out i was preg he would go to jail 15 yr. max and i didnt want him in jail for most of the babys life.....i have the police report in which he admits to hitting me and being drunk its written in the comment section filled ot by the officer. so does it matter if he was convicted?
The police report will still help. Its still evidence. However, it was a very foolish more not to follow through with the case. Not just for you, but for your child. Dad needs help, and he isn't going to get that help unless he is forced to face the consequences of his problems.
LdiJ said:
The police report will still help. Its still evidence. However, it was a very foolish more not to follow through with the case. Not just for you, but for your child. Dad needs help, and he isn't going to get that help unless he is forced to face the consequences of his problems.

yeah I know, huge lapse in judgement. thank you so much for your info one less thing i have to think about :)
so my odds of getting sup. visits pending completion of some sort of alc. rehab and a parenting class seem pretty good? i know nobody can say for sure i just dont want to be embarassed in court if this is an unreasonable request.


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
so my odds of getting sup. visits pending completion of some sort of alc. rehab and a parenting class seem pretty good? i know nobody can say for sure i just dont want to be embarassed in court if this is an unreasonable request.
Its not an unreasonable request, particularly since you have evidence to back up the request.

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