What is the name of your state?
New Mexico
I bought a house 3 years ago, that came with documentation about its boundaries, one was a survey the other was an improvment location sketch,both were only months old. They both matched up as far as bearings and distances were concerned. The land was only fenced on three sides, I just needed to connect the Point of Boundary stakes that were still there from previous surveys. About a year ago my nieghbor purchased a property on a quit deed and had it surveyed and submitted the deed to the county. I was present when the surveyors staked the property, and it did not seem wrong to me. This month I tried to sell the property and the buyer asked for a staked survey. I had been misreading the stakes, and the paper reflected that the neighbors fence in 15 feet on my property in some places. The surveyor says the plats are overlapping and that both surveys are right. I have title insurance for the same legal description the surveyor just submitted. My neighbor does not have title insurance,but has a title and deed and a survey. I know I need a real estate attorny, but I do want any input as to wheather the title co.or the sellers are responsible for my costs to get the deal straightend out. Specifically do matters like this always end up in court. Thanks for any help.
New Mexico
I bought a house 3 years ago, that came with documentation about its boundaries, one was a survey the other was an improvment location sketch,both were only months old. They both matched up as far as bearings and distances were concerned. The land was only fenced on three sides, I just needed to connect the Point of Boundary stakes that were still there from previous surveys. About a year ago my nieghbor purchased a property on a quit deed and had it surveyed and submitted the deed to the county. I was present when the surveyors staked the property, and it did not seem wrong to me. This month I tried to sell the property and the buyer asked for a staked survey. I had been misreading the stakes, and the paper reflected that the neighbors fence in 15 feet on my property in some places. The surveyor says the plats are overlapping and that both surveys are right. I have title insurance for the same legal description the surveyor just submitted. My neighbor does not have title insurance,but has a title and deed and a survey. I know I need a real estate attorny, but I do want any input as to wheather the title co.or the sellers are responsible for my costs to get the deal straightend out. Specifically do matters like this always end up in court. Thanks for any help.
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