I was pulled over for having a headlight out and was notified by the officer that my license was suspended. After research, I learned that my ex-boyfriend (whom I at one point had lived with) had, at some point, fradulently registered his truck in my name to hide from his child support obligations. Evidently, the DMV had randomly selected his truck and requested proof of insurance and when it wasn't provided, MY license was suspended. 13 months later, it is STILL registered in my name and he refuses to reimburse me the $1,400+ ticket (driving while suspended). Money aside, since he refuses to go to the dmv and properly register the truck, the truck is mine right? The truck is still in my name and I'm confident it is still uninsured... and I know he doesn't have a drivers license. Can I report it stolen? Can I have it towed? Can I sue him for reimbursement of the charges? HELP!