What is the name of your state? This happened in California
An individual moves to Arizona from California. He left traffic school for multiple offenders (2) DUI's, and has not paid his fines in full. Now, he wants to "try" and get his driver's license by attending school and to pay the balance of his fines that were incurred in California. Question: can this person have his case transferred to Arizona, from California, so that he can start traffic school and pay-off his fines? I say that he can't...what do you say? William
An individual moves to Arizona from California. He left traffic school for multiple offenders (2) DUI's, and has not paid his fines in full. Now, he wants to "try" and get his driver's license by attending school and to pay the balance of his fines that were incurred in California. Question: can this person have his case transferred to Arizona, from California, so that he can start traffic school and pay-off his fines? I say that he can't...what do you say? William