My response:
For a budding "teacher", your grammatical skills leave a lot to be desired. I can tell you, from what I've read of yours, you definitely shouldn't be teaching. I can tell because you have the attention span of a gnat.
"Oh, woe is me ! How will I survive without that $100.00?"
Didn't you read?
I read your comment about Small Claims Court. And, didn't I tell you that a judge shouldn't waste taxpayer time and money on such a nonsensical, and obvious, ploy of yours? Your gambit is merely an attempt to exact another pound of flesh from someone. He's no longer your husband. Get past it. He doesn't love you anymore. So, stop trying to hang on, and using a lousy $100.00 as a reason to hang on and get his attention back. He dislikes you. He doesn't want you. And, quite frankly, with your pettiness, I wouldn't either.
Why don't you just stand up on your own two feet and stop sponging off of other people? Make something of yourself, and do it on your own. You don't need anyone.
You're going to be a teacher, right?
Didn't I tell you to look around these Boards? Didn't I tell you that others on these boards have problems that make your "problem" look like a child's problem?
It's true. And it is.
And you're just stupified by someone finally standing up to you about it, and calling you what you are: a spoiled little brat.
[Edited by I AM ALWAYS LIABLE on 12-08-2000 at 11:31 AM]