I recently purchased a home and went through a real estate company. The person whom I purchased the home from used a different company. After closing 9 months ago, I received a text today from the sellers real-estate company stating that they were doing research in my area and if I could sell my home, would I. After running a quick Google search, I happened upon the the office of a completely different agent for said company, so not the "market research company" they were claiming to be. Under TCPA - Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act , specifically section (F) (5) The term established business relationship for purposes of paragraph (a)(3) of this section on the sending of facsimile advertisements means a prior or existing relationship formed by a voluntary two-way communication between a person or entity and a business or residential subscriber with or without an exchange of consideration, on the basis of an inquiry, application, purchase or transaction by the business or residential subscriber regarding products or services offered by such person or entity, which relationship has not been previously terminated by either party, would me purchasing my home from the seller who used said company constitute a "established business relationship"?