Hello, I am Brazilian citizen and I have been a Colorado, USA resident since August 2018 and my husband is Canadian citizen and he has been a Colorado resident since May 2018. We have decided to get a divorce. 1- We got married in Feb2016 in Alberta, Canada. We did a post-nup agreement on Dec2016 in Canada Alberta. Is the post-nup agreement we did valid Colorado? 2- My husband sponsored me as a dependent to obtain the TD visa spouse of a TN Canadian worker to come to the USA. As a sponsor does he has financial responsibilities towards me even if we separate or does the post-nup agreement waive him from alimony? Would the post-nup be applicable in this case since he is sponsoring a dependent and I cannot work in USA nor make money? 3- If we get a divorce in Colorado, will it be valid in Alberta, Canada where we got married? Is there anything I need to do to ensure it is valid in Canada? 4- If I start the divorce process in Colorado, can I change my residence address before the divorce is finalized I read it takes a maximum of 90 days for it to be finalized? I am planning to go back to my home country within the next couple of months. Thank you very much