I KNOW that "loads" of G.P.s are doing this. Believe me I do. I see it everyday when I take my grandson to school. When he was very small I too was one of these "just doing it" grand parents. I thought the same for the LOADS of other grandparents bringing them to school too. I thought they were just doing it FOR the parent. I began asking the director questions about the many g.p.s. every morn. and every night. She says: you have NO idea how many of these are the ONLY caretakers "in the closet". She says the parents enrolled them and the g.p.s are on the pick up and drop off list and the parents are M.I.A. ever since.
Any doctor ALLOWING you to make med. decisions is WRONG!!
Any school allowing you to enroll into school with a birth certificate is WRONG!
Neither are suppose to be doing this. Unless of course you are LYING to them. Getting falsified signatures etc...
As for medical decisions (a mere "note" from mom isn't suppose to be happening either)
What the heck are you going to do if this child should ever (God forbid) need REAL medical treatment or emergency life saving surgery?
Have you ever had to take them to an emergency room yet for a mere ear infection where they do not know you? What about vacations out of town?
For NOW you may be fine. Mom or dad is "somewhere" to be found or close by as use to be in my case?
Now both parents are incarcerated. Or poss. out on bond who knows and I don't even care anymore what their issues are...They continue to worsen THEIR situations. At least get a P.O.A. from the juvenile courts for crying out loud.
BTW you need NOT open a big case for a mere P.O.A. for med. and school.