My in-laws have have an unfinished addition on their house it is approximitaly 1200 square feet. So their offer to finish it as an inlaw apartment is quite tempting. Here are the details. AsS of now we are discussing us (my wife and I) finishing the addition and blocking it from the rest of the living space, essentially making our own home. the kicker is this needs to be economical for us. by doing this my wife and I expect to become Tennants in common of approx. 25-30%, what if any tax breaks and or liabilities would this carry with it? WE are probably going to get a loan for the renovations, would the interest paid on the loans bee tax deductable? Would any home repairs we did to the home be deductable? and how would payment of property taxes be assessed? Also is the matter of ownership and equity where would I stand on this? What kind of equity would we carry in this home?