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Tennant won't pay last month rent

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state?Georgia
My tennant's lease has expired but continued to live in my rental house and pay rent as usual. After a period of time, it was mutually agreed that she would have 30 days to move out as the rent was too much for her current financial situation. I had tried to collect the rent for July on July 7 but she said that she could not pay then but would have it on July 15. She had said that she would send the rent three days ago is now 18 days late. I cannot get in touch with her and my messages have not been returned. What are my options if she does not pay? Small claims court? She had origionally paid $700.00 deposit for damage fee, but I have a feeling there may be more than that amount in repairs. I don't have the keys and need to have the house ready for another tennant to move in on August 1. What are my rights as far as entry without a key? Thank you very much for any advice you may have.


You don't have the keys to your own rental house?
That doesn't make sense.

Did you get the "mutual agreement" that she would move out in 30 days because the rent was too much for her "current financial situation" in writing?

Why in the world would you rent the house to somebody else when you don't have the situation with Miss "I'll pay you July 15th" resolved?

Why haven't you started eviction proceedings?


Senior Member
The tenant is stringing you along as long as possible, serve a 3-day notice to pay or quit today.

kathybeaty said:
What is the name of your state?Georgia
My tennant's lease has expired but continued to live in my rental house and pay rent as usual. After a period of time, it was mutually agreed that she would have 30 days to move out as the rent was too much for her current financial situation. I had tried to collect the rent for July on July 7 but she said that she could not pay then but would have it on July 15. She had said that she would send the rent three days ago is now 18 days late. I cannot get in touch with her and my messages have not been returned. What are my options if she does not pay? Small claims court? She had origionally paid $700.00 deposit for damage fee, but I have a feeling there may be more than that amount in repairs. I don't have the keys and need to have the house ready for another tennant to move in on August 1. What are my rights as far as entry without a key? Thank you very much for any advice you may have.


Junior Member
For 3 years I had a rental agency handling the property for me with this same person living in my house. They were not doing their job as far as getting the rent by the 5th of the month and it was always given to them after the 15th and they were keeping the late fees as well as 10% of $700.00 rent and not mailing my check until the end of the month. I got fed up and did not renew my contract with them and decided to handle it myself and am muddling through this. I have called and requested the keys they "forgot" to mail back to me and should have them by tomorrow. No, I did not get the mutual agreement with my tenant in writing. I have been trying to get this person on track to pay on time for the last 3 months. I want to rent the house ASAP to a prospective tenant through another agency who will be handling the house for me as of August 1 as I do not live in the same city as my property. I do not want to risk losing $700.00 per month in rent. This would be very costly in a short length of time if I did't find another tenant right away. The house would therefore become a "liability" instead of an "asset" to me. I am new and partially uninformed about landlording and just trying to do the best I can with advice from others.

How do I go about giving the 3 day eviction?
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Junior Member
I leave in Idaho, and I do not know how different things ca be, but I am on a simmilar situation.
1.You have the right to visit your home but have to give them 48 hour notice
2. you need to start an eviction process. first serve a 3 day notice to pay or vacate (you can usually download the forms and instructions online), then you have to file a complaint for eviction and wait for a court date.

it might take a month or more, depending on where you live, so you should not rent your place to anyone just yet . consult with a lawyer

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