I live in Ohio. My son and his girlfriend had a baby and broke up shortly after he was born. The mother has full custody. My son has always paid his child support, he loves Nathan very much and he spends as much time with him as the court order and the baby's mother will allow. I've been taking care of Nathan while the mother works, every day for the past two years since he was six weeks old. I got along fine with my son's ex until about a month ago when she smacked my 22-month-old grandson in the face right in front of me. I told her that I thought she could find a better way to handle him and we ended up having a big argument. She still brings him over for me to babysit while she works (after all, it's free child care), but things are tense between us. My son recently moved back home temporarily so he could get caught up on his bills, and his ex seems to be bothered by the fact that he gets to see Nathan a lot while he's living here, although she really should be happy that she's leaving Nathan with people who love him and take good care of him while she works. Anyhow, today she came to pick him up from my house after a weekend visitation and her new boyfriend showed up ahead of her, drunk, and started a bunch of trouble with my two sons and me......we have no idea why, and we've never met this guy before. She pulled up a few minutes after him and was obviously upset that he was here. I don't blame her for the incident, as I'm sure this jerk took it upon himself to show up here for whatever reasons. Here's my question: Because of the problems we've been having lately, is there anything we can do to prevent her from putting Nathan in daycare rather than bringing him here while she works? Does my son have anything to say about who takes care of him? Will the court take into consideration what's best for the baby, or is there some cut and dried law? He's almost two years old now and he's been here four days a week plus, ever since he was 6 weeks old. The court is aware of the free childcare arrangements, as they took it into consideration when they set the amount for support payments. If she chooses to pay for daycare, what will that mean as far as an increase in the amount of support my son will pay.....that's the least of our worries, but we'd still be curious to know. The main objective is to keep the baby coming here where he's safe, happy, and gets one-on-one attention all day. Please give me your best advice, and thanks in advance.