What is the name of your state? Michigan
My 7 yo daughter is facing retention in the first grade. Last year her kindergarten teacher told me at first conference that she was a little behind. In March the teacher told me that she should be retained or attend summer school. I asked her at that time if she should be tested for any LD's and she said she could refer her and they would test next fall. I said no I want testing done now. If she had a problem I wanted her to get the help now. She asked for a speech/language eval and it was completed in April. She scored borderline low average. She did not qualify for spec ed. She was tutored when I was told in March regarding retention. A week before school ended the tutor asked if she was all set for summer school and I said I was still waiting for paperwork. She informed me that registration was weeks ago and it was probably all full. I went directly to teacher and she said she refers all students to office and they send out paperwork. I went to office and was told teacher did not have her on list. Teacher checked her paperwork and said she did not know what happened, that she should put some kind of check system in place so that does not happen again and told me to have a nice summer. I called the principal, the director of summer school, everyone I could. The tutor even said she made some phone calls. I was told summer school was full. I pleaded she needed it or she was facing retention. I was denied based on classes full. Some how she got in, I received letter a week later saying she was accepted. My daughter did not like going, had a hard time dropping her off but seemed to be happy when I picked her up and would reply that school was fun. Her summer school teacher reported she was not consistent some days and other days she said she did good. I spoke to her daily. Teacher said she was ready for first grade at the end of summer and also stated "she would be bored in kindergarten again". She is now in first grade and looking at retention again. At first card marking I was told she was below reading grade level. Second card marking I was told that retention was a possability. Mornings are rough with my daughter. She fusses and does not want to go to school. She complains about writing in her journal and centers. She complains at school of being sick, arm hurting, eyes hurting, leg hurting, etc. She complains at lunch time and has often gone to office and I get a call home. Office says no fever, does not seem to be sick. I talk to her and get her to go back to class. She usually comes home happy and says she had fun at school or had a good day. She tears up at school also. I have asked the teacher numerous times what else can be done, what other help is available? I have always been told she is getting all the help she needs. The teacher says she has her in many reading groups and an aid reads with her (along with 5-6 others at same time) weekly. The teacher has emailed me numerous times regarding the "stress she is exhibiting with the curriculum". The teacher referred her for a Speech/Langu. Eval (in April again). Her scores were 85-89, borderline low average. I asked the Speech/Lang Pathologist if she should be referred for more testing with scores that low. She said she did not know she only does Speech/Lang. A few days ago the teacher asked me how her dr. appointments went (I took her to eye dr. and pediatrician for well check). I informed her that the pediatrician stated that the school should test to rule out any LD's or attention problems before they retain a student. I told the pediatrician that I have been denied testing by the teacher and principal because she is not two years behind (they have told me this many times). The pediatrician told me to move to a new school district. The teacher apparently sent my email to the principal and I then received emails from the both of them. They both said I never asked for testing and they never denied it. The teacher said I only asked for her opinion. I have an email that reads: "I would like to know if XXX should be tested. I know she was tested informally last year but I want to make sure she is getting all the help that is available for her. I talked to the principal and he said she was reading with aid and there was no funding for anything else. I'm confused as to why there is special education for students with learning disabilities but there is nothing available for the students that fall between them and the ones that are thriving. I really want to get her the help she needs to succeed now. I welcome any testing available. Let me know about the testing and any other help available for her". Teachers reply: To qualify for special education help a student needs to be performing almost two years below grade level. I do not feel that Erica would qualify for this type of help at this time. It is often difficult for young children, even those that have some difficulties, to qualify for special education because the reading on the test for a child of her age is very minimal. She also states that XXX's stress appears to be at high end. I now know that I should have put my request in writing to the Special Ed Office. I thought I was following the proper chain of command. I spoke to the teacher numerous times and the principal on two occasions. As far back as February (principal) and earlier with the teacher. They never once pointed me in the right direction, they never suggested I contact Spec Ed Director or offered any other solution except retention. I have recently spoke to two advocates. I have also requested an IEE at public expense. The Spec Ed Director called me and said she does not have any knowledge about my daughter and that she hopes I can trust her (Shouldn't she know about my daughter if her staff tested her). She said she will have her tested by the end of the month. She said she would send papers home for me to give permission and for me to return ASAP. One advocate tells me to push for IEE at public expense, that they are lying to me, that I would be wasting my time if I let them test her and that they have already had two chances testing her and they did not do a complete eval because they only did a Speech/lang eval and that isn't even valid because they did not do an IQ to compare it to. Another advocate says I have to let them test her first and then if I do not agree I can then request an IEE at public expense. I received the paperwork and there were many discrepencies on them. First of all it was dated 3/16/05 (should be 5/10/05), only has Learning Disabled and should include Emotionally Impaired (according to second advocate), says she was referred by teacher in the cover letter and Child study team process on the form (neither is true - I referred her), reason for ERT referral states "slow progress in first grade. She has difficulty in comprehending directions", (I never heard anything about difficulty in comprehending directions (should read: below reading grade level, difficulties in math, spelling, geometry, fluency, counting to 500 by 10's, 200 by 2's and back from 60, exhibiting stress, difficulty writing complete sentences). I do not trust any of them and I do not know what direction to turn. I do not feel any of them are accountable or reliable. I left messages for the psychologist and Spec Ed Director regarding my concerns about the cover letter and permission form having wrong information and stated that I wanted it corrected before I would sign them and said I would come in to meet with them. The psychologist left me a message after I phoned her regarding all the discrepencies and said she was in a hurry that day and should have changed some things on the paperwork, that she was trying to get another student and my daughters paperwork out before the end of the day. I left numerous messages for Spec Ed Director and she left me a message and said I need to sign the paperwork and not delay the process and return them as soon as possible so they can get started with testing. I do not understand the laws completely and feel like they are playing games with me. Should I file a complaint against all of them? Shouldn't the principal and teacher have told me who to contact regarding testing? I do not know what to do at this point and am emotionally drained. I am reading everything I can get my hands on but do not understand most of it. I feel like I have failed my daughter because I did not know the proper way to request testing. Please advice me in any way you can. I also would like your opinion on retention. I do not agree with retention. I feel intervention, additional help, accomodations, etc. would be more helpful than her repeating the same grade over again. They say she would have a different teacher and every teacher is different but I still do not agree with it. They say she has a self confidence problem and is unsure of herself. What kind of harm will retaining her do? They say it all depends on how it is handled at home. They just think I just don't want to accept retention. I want my daughter to get the help she needs and that starts with the proper testing to rule out any LD's or attention problems!!! Please advice me in any way you can!!!!!!!!!!!!
My 7 yo daughter is facing retention in the first grade. Last year her kindergarten teacher told me at first conference that she was a little behind. In March the teacher told me that she should be retained or attend summer school. I asked her at that time if she should be tested for any LD's and she said she could refer her and they would test next fall. I said no I want testing done now. If she had a problem I wanted her to get the help now. She asked for a speech/language eval and it was completed in April. She scored borderline low average. She did not qualify for spec ed. She was tutored when I was told in March regarding retention. A week before school ended the tutor asked if she was all set for summer school and I said I was still waiting for paperwork. She informed me that registration was weeks ago and it was probably all full. I went directly to teacher and she said she refers all students to office and they send out paperwork. I went to office and was told teacher did not have her on list. Teacher checked her paperwork and said she did not know what happened, that she should put some kind of check system in place so that does not happen again and told me to have a nice summer. I called the principal, the director of summer school, everyone I could. The tutor even said she made some phone calls. I was told summer school was full. I pleaded she needed it or she was facing retention. I was denied based on classes full. Some how she got in, I received letter a week later saying she was accepted. My daughter did not like going, had a hard time dropping her off but seemed to be happy when I picked her up and would reply that school was fun. Her summer school teacher reported she was not consistent some days and other days she said she did good. I spoke to her daily. Teacher said she was ready for first grade at the end of summer and also stated "she would be bored in kindergarten again". She is now in first grade and looking at retention again. At first card marking I was told she was below reading grade level. Second card marking I was told that retention was a possability. Mornings are rough with my daughter. She fusses and does not want to go to school. She complains about writing in her journal and centers. She complains at school of being sick, arm hurting, eyes hurting, leg hurting, etc. She complains at lunch time and has often gone to office and I get a call home. Office says no fever, does not seem to be sick. I talk to her and get her to go back to class. She usually comes home happy and says she had fun at school or had a good day. She tears up at school also. I have asked the teacher numerous times what else can be done, what other help is available? I have always been told she is getting all the help she needs. The teacher says she has her in many reading groups and an aid reads with her (along with 5-6 others at same time) weekly. The teacher has emailed me numerous times regarding the "stress she is exhibiting with the curriculum". The teacher referred her for a Speech/Langu. Eval (in April again). Her scores were 85-89, borderline low average. I asked the Speech/Lang Pathologist if she should be referred for more testing with scores that low. She said she did not know she only does Speech/Lang. A few days ago the teacher asked me how her dr. appointments went (I took her to eye dr. and pediatrician for well check). I informed her that the pediatrician stated that the school should test to rule out any LD's or attention problems before they retain a student. I told the pediatrician that I have been denied testing by the teacher and principal because she is not two years behind (they have told me this many times). The pediatrician told me to move to a new school district. The teacher apparently sent my email to the principal and I then received emails from the both of them. They both said I never asked for testing and they never denied it. The teacher said I only asked for her opinion. I have an email that reads: "I would like to know if XXX should be tested. I know she was tested informally last year but I want to make sure she is getting all the help that is available for her. I talked to the principal and he said she was reading with aid and there was no funding for anything else. I'm confused as to why there is special education for students with learning disabilities but there is nothing available for the students that fall between them and the ones that are thriving. I really want to get her the help she needs to succeed now. I welcome any testing available. Let me know about the testing and any other help available for her". Teachers reply: To qualify for special education help a student needs to be performing almost two years below grade level. I do not feel that Erica would qualify for this type of help at this time. It is often difficult for young children, even those that have some difficulties, to qualify for special education because the reading on the test for a child of her age is very minimal. She also states that XXX's stress appears to be at high end. I now know that I should have put my request in writing to the Special Ed Office. I thought I was following the proper chain of command. I spoke to the teacher numerous times and the principal on two occasions. As far back as February (principal) and earlier with the teacher. They never once pointed me in the right direction, they never suggested I contact Spec Ed Director or offered any other solution except retention. I have recently spoke to two advocates. I have also requested an IEE at public expense. The Spec Ed Director called me and said she does not have any knowledge about my daughter and that she hopes I can trust her (Shouldn't she know about my daughter if her staff tested her). She said she will have her tested by the end of the month. She said she would send papers home for me to give permission and for me to return ASAP. One advocate tells me to push for IEE at public expense, that they are lying to me, that I would be wasting my time if I let them test her and that they have already had two chances testing her and they did not do a complete eval because they only did a Speech/lang eval and that isn't even valid because they did not do an IQ to compare it to. Another advocate says I have to let them test her first and then if I do not agree I can then request an IEE at public expense. I received the paperwork and there were many discrepencies on them. First of all it was dated 3/16/05 (should be 5/10/05), only has Learning Disabled and should include Emotionally Impaired (according to second advocate), says she was referred by teacher in the cover letter and Child study team process on the form (neither is true - I referred her), reason for ERT referral states "slow progress in first grade. She has difficulty in comprehending directions", (I never heard anything about difficulty in comprehending directions (should read: below reading grade level, difficulties in math, spelling, geometry, fluency, counting to 500 by 10's, 200 by 2's and back from 60, exhibiting stress, difficulty writing complete sentences). I do not trust any of them and I do not know what direction to turn. I do not feel any of them are accountable or reliable. I left messages for the psychologist and Spec Ed Director regarding my concerns about the cover letter and permission form having wrong information and stated that I wanted it corrected before I would sign them and said I would come in to meet with them. The psychologist left me a message after I phoned her regarding all the discrepencies and said she was in a hurry that day and should have changed some things on the paperwork, that she was trying to get another student and my daughters paperwork out before the end of the day. I left numerous messages for Spec Ed Director and she left me a message and said I need to sign the paperwork and not delay the process and return them as soon as possible so they can get started with testing. I do not understand the laws completely and feel like they are playing games with me. Should I file a complaint against all of them? Shouldn't the principal and teacher have told me who to contact regarding testing? I do not know what to do at this point and am emotionally drained. I am reading everything I can get my hands on but do not understand most of it. I feel like I have failed my daughter because I did not know the proper way to request testing. Please advice me in any way you can. I also would like your opinion on retention. I do not agree with retention. I feel intervention, additional help, accomodations, etc. would be more helpful than her repeating the same grade over again. They say she would have a different teacher and every teacher is different but I still do not agree with it. They say she has a self confidence problem and is unsure of herself. What kind of harm will retaining her do? They say it all depends on how it is handled at home. They just think I just don't want to accept retention. I want my daughter to get the help she needs and that starts with the proper testing to rule out any LD's or attention problems!!! Please advice me in any way you can!!!!!!!!!!!!