I understand about the overtime/start time issue, but if you go to the doctors appoiintment(he has you sign in and outor punch in and out)and I found my time card marked to the time he thought I was at the doctors, then changed his mind, to take more time off in which I had put down the time I was at the doctors and marked the timecard as being incorrect, amother time off the top of my head, I was clocked in at 8:00 am had an accident with a vehicle, called the police as I should, took care of that, then the boss talked to the policeman with me there, then I received a ticket because the other driver had the right of way,the boss then said he wanted to speak to me, he said that he was to pissed off right now to make a decision on what to do that I was suspended for three days. When I punched out it was 9:20 or 9:30 but my paycheck only reflected .75 of an hour for that time.