frustrated father
I live in Ill. I worked for a jewelry store for 6 months. During this time 2 large pieces of jewelry came up missing. Lost prevention was called into the store and we were told that we would all be question about the missing pieces, but when the man from lost prevention came to our store I was interrogated in a way that he was trying to get me to admit that I was the one who stole the 2 pieces. After he was done with me he and antoher employees had a conversation about the 2 missing pieces. She was not interrogated like I was and there were 6 other employees that were not even questioned. 2 or 3 weeks lator I was fired. There reason I was given was, not hitting goals, but I was 2nd in sales in the store. Being the only Black male working in the store I feel that I was fired because they thought I stole the pieces but they could not prove that I did so they used my performance as an excuse. Have I been discrminated against? and how long do I have to file a complaint.