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What is the name of your state? FL

What is the name of your state? FL

I have a friend that comes from a challenging family. All through out high school she has struggled to finish and make her family proud. Her family does not have much money but she does not let that affect her. She is one of the reasons I am still in school trying to finish.
After she finishe high school she went on to attend college in Miami. Every thing was going good for her untill the year 2008 came along. This year she ran into a lot of bad luck. She had to drop out of college and now she is in debt. But thats not the big problem.
The thing is a couple of days ago police came to her house and said she was being arrested for a credit card scam she did not commit. Someone stole a credit card and put down her information when they ordered things off the internet. Now she is facing charges of Fraud, Grand theft, and Impersonation.
We know these are serious accusations but how serious? Her family is trying to hire a lawyer but does not have the finances for it. Can anyone help me out on this one?


These ARE serious charges. Felony/jail time serious. I don't know if your friend did what she was arrested for, but I do know that she needs a lawyer. If her family cannot afford one, one will be appointed to her. The bottom line is, you simply can't approach a lawyer and say "look, I don't have any money...but I didn't do it" and expect them to jump aboard.

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