Junior Member
I am 18 and currently attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania and during the second week of this semester I got caught smoking weed in my dorm room. The police officers that came threatened to search my room if I did not turn over my stuff. I gave them my weed and my papers but because I would not admit that I was actually smoking the weed they continued threatening to search my room so then I gave them a bottle of vodka I had in my closet. They told me I was under arrest but would not be taken to the police station but rather I would get all the paper work in the mail. I still have not received any citations but my mom got a letter in the mail stating when I should appear in court. I am getting charged with possession of marijuana, alcohol, and paraphenalia. Because they confiscated all my stuff I am assuming it is best I plead guilty but should I still apply for a public defender? Or any other advice about my situation?