Hello again. This is dzwei in Pennsylvania. I wanted to let you know that I DID receive the notice to appear in small claims court from the dealership who says I owe them an additional $1000.00 on the purchase of a new car after the contract was signed and six weeks after I drove the car out of the dealership! My question to you is this: The magistrate who will be ruling on this is just "down the road" from the dealership....since the case must be heard in the jurisdiction of the plaintiff........but I am certain that this magistrate's office receives quite a bit of "business" from this dealership with Title work etc........ .....Can I ask that the magistrate excuse himself from this case and request that another magistrate's office hear the case? Can I do this BEFORE I appear? I feel that if I wait and this magistrate rules against me........
can I then really claim a "bias" on the part of the magistrate? I don't want to be "railroaded!" Thank you in advance for your comments!
can I then really claim a "bias" on the part of the magistrate? I don't want to be "railroaded!" Thank you in advance for your comments!