Hello all. I'll cut to the chase. I from Sin City (Las Vegas, NV) and have got myself into quite the jam. I used to work for a production company here and really enjoyed my job. I was like the company manager, secretary, right hand man to the producer. When were jsut finishing an overseas gig, and getting ready for the next, when my boss asked a favor. We had been to gether for 4 years and I felt I knew her pretty well, so I agreeded. The show was coming to a close and due to the expenses of the up coming show, she was running a little short making payroll. We had 65 dancers that that I had become pretty found of the last year in the venue and they had all worked thier butts off for us and I felt good being able to help them out. So I loaned her our life savings.. It was a short term loan for 30 days, until the next show sent us the production cost money. I felt confident that she would pay me back promptly. I was wrong. It has been now almost 3 years that I have been patiently listening to. "The next show I put together, I will take care of it". Well to make a long story short, I have found out that she has quite the gambling problem... Her house is mortgaged to the hilt and she leases her towncar. She owes 4 other people that I know of alot of money also and I'm feeling pretty lousey. So my question would be.. what can I do about it? Can I put a lean on her home, on her leased car? I have tried to acomidate her in everyway. I even sent registered mail explaining my disatisfaction with the whole situation and out of curtesy and professionalizm offer to allow her to make monthly payments of $1000 a month untill it's paid. As usual she has not responded. I have made weekly phone calls over the last 2 years and 10 months only to get her voicemail. She has returned 2 calls todate. I can not afford to take her to court, but also feel I cannot afford not to? Could someone please help. Sincererly frustrated.