I am in a lease agreement in Arizona for my Nissan 200sx. I have noticed my mileage seemed to be off and tested this with mile markers and another vehicle to compare. It seems I am loosing 1 mile for every 15 miles driven (I drive 15 miles and my odometer reads 16). Per my lease agreement anything over 12,000 per year I will have to PAY...I was curious of a plan of action so I do not get penalized. I did mention it to the dealer and they said I could bring it in to them but how do I know they won't just fix it and I am still paying for the overage. My other concern is for others who may not have noticed this and had to pay even though they may not have had to. I have figured the problem is due to the low profile tires that are on the car and the ajustment was not made for this type of tire. I have only changed 2 of the tires at this time so 2 of the originals are still on the vehicles. Any ideas of my next step? Has anyone else had a similar situation and have any ideas?