Junior Member
What is the name of your state? michigan
we have been having trouble with my step daughters mom...she thinks that we have to drive both ways..pick up and drop off we live 25minutes from her and gas is 3.09 here and then her school is an hour away...i have been trying to get it through her thick skull that it's whoever wants her drives to where they other person is...i don't mind driving two hours round trip to get her form school when it's our time to get her but then she should make the 50minute round trip to pick her up at the end of the day/weekend to get her from us!!! well she through a fit last time so i said we would see her in court and i called the courts today and they said it's in their GUIDELINES that the VISITING parent must provide transportation (THAT'S WORD FOR WORD) and i said but that doesn't say both ways and they got snotty with me and said that's what it means and your husband is the visiting parent....so I said fine send me the motion to get that changed because i know you can have it written out in the cutody papers who picks them up at what exact time and we want to do that...but she got attitude again and said that shawn has reasonable parenting time according to the court guidlines and that the guidelines say he has to provide transportation so i have to file a motion i said i know so send me the motion...and she goes state guidelines say that as long as both parents live in Michigan the visiting parent is to provide transportation (sorry i keep saying that line but she kept saying it) and i freaked out so if we lived in detroit and she lived in the upper penninsula we would have to drive 14hours round trip to get her then do it again in two days to drop her off BULL SHEET!!! can anyone help me with this...can i have that changed...granted it's that counties "guidelines" but it's our child can't we have it written in OUR custody paper who does what when?
if we move i would understand that but if she decides to move 14hours away we have to be punished this is crappy when my son's dad was alive we didn't go through courts just because i knew they would screw him and i can't stand that....but...i have heard of getting it stated in the custody papers exactly what goes on and what the "guidelines" are..are just suggestions that if the parents can't agree they just implement those...
we have been having trouble with my step daughters mom...she thinks that we have to drive both ways..pick up and drop off we live 25minutes from her and gas is 3.09 here and then her school is an hour away...i have been trying to get it through her thick skull that it's whoever wants her drives to where they other person is...i don't mind driving two hours round trip to get her form school when it's our time to get her but then she should make the 50minute round trip to pick her up at the end of the day/weekend to get her from us!!! well she through a fit last time so i said we would see her in court and i called the courts today and they said it's in their GUIDELINES that the VISITING parent must provide transportation (THAT'S WORD FOR WORD) and i said but that doesn't say both ways and they got snotty with me and said that's what it means and your husband is the visiting parent....so I said fine send me the motion to get that changed because i know you can have it written out in the cutody papers who picks them up at what exact time and we want to do that...but she got attitude again and said that shawn has reasonable parenting time according to the court guidlines and that the guidelines say he has to provide transportation so i have to file a motion i said i know so send me the motion...and she goes state guidelines say that as long as both parents live in Michigan the visiting parent is to provide transportation (sorry i keep saying that line but she kept saying it) and i freaked out so if we lived in detroit and she lived in the upper penninsula we would have to drive 14hours round trip to get her then do it again in two days to drop her off BULL SHEET!!! can anyone help me with this...can i have that changed...granted it's that counties "guidelines" but it's our child can't we have it written in OUR custody paper who does what when?
if we move i would understand that but if she decides to move 14hours away we have to be punished this is crappy when my son's dad was alive we didn't go through courts just because i knew they would screw him and i can't stand that....but...i have heard of getting it stated in the custody papers exactly what goes on and what the "guidelines" are..are just suggestions that if the parents can't agree they just implement those...