I am currently loacted in South Korea.
Case Status: Closed
Issue: Follows
On May 8th 2006 I went to trial for a large case in Fort Hood Texas, (at the time I was stationed there). The case involved myself and 2 other soldiers.
Charges against other 2 soldiers (these charges were not on my charge sheet as all whitnesses and sworn statements by ALL subjects confirmed I was not involved with the following charges)
1. Larceny of Govenrment Property (on post) 32 accounts
2. Housbreaking (on post) 6 accounts
and many others.
Charges that I DID recieved and pled guilty to were;
Consirisy to dispose government porperty (the planning to trow it away) ($500+)
and Disposttion of government property (the throwing it away) ($500+)
On other charge that was dismissed @ trial by the judge was;
Recieving of stolen property (government items) - Dismissed Unjustified
Here is my issue.
1. My charges were to pay a $500 fine (paid), and if not paid I would spend 60 in jail.
2. Reduced to the rank of E-2 (from E-4)
3. 30 Days hard labor by the local county
.. Item #1 Paid same day through local finance office.
.. Item #3 Was signed over to my unit and the releaced me in order to clear the base
and PCS to Korea. (I had recieved orders 2 weeks prior to the trial and was to report in 30 days, I had the flag lifted the same day and was allowed to clear and PCS.)
.. Item #4 Never happened. I have documented e-mails and to and from the prosicution and my legal rep in Texas saying that it will happen just wait, and I have a counceling I had the commander of my new unit give me as well as I asked and had my 1st line supervisor and 1SG give me one as well saying that they are aware of the situation and that with no paperwork that there is nothing they can do about it. And that the say I should still goto the E-5 promotion board.. I am due to goto the board next month.
I have been to legal and IG, I never thought it would be so hard to lose my rank.
All of that being said here are my questions...
1 - I have 8 years in the Army, reenlistment says I can not reenlist until I get PROMOTABLE status. (true or false?)
2 - Is going to the board without anyone dropping my rank with all the documented items I have showing my attempts to lose my rank going to hurt me?
3 - If I make cut off and get promoted is this going to haunt me in the future?
4 - I did a background check and found that I have 6 accounts of - Larceny of Government Property (on post), that are showing up. I have contacted everyone about this and found myselfe in the circle of finger pointing as to who is to remove them since I was only an initial suspect and never any charges filled... How do I get these removed? I need this check to go forward to the local Area commander here in order to get a POV approval, and I do not want him seeing pointless info.
5 - Is there a time limit as to when all this needs to be done? (ie. loseing of my rank), or can they come 2 years from now and say opps.. yeah lets do that now?
Thanks again for the help.. for more info on the case you can view my older post from my trial assistance.. (thanks for all that help by the way)
Please let me know anything any one may be able to help with.What is the name of your state?
Case Status: Closed
Issue: Follows
On May 8th 2006 I went to trial for a large case in Fort Hood Texas, (at the time I was stationed there). The case involved myself and 2 other soldiers.
Charges against other 2 soldiers (these charges were not on my charge sheet as all whitnesses and sworn statements by ALL subjects confirmed I was not involved with the following charges)
1. Larceny of Govenrment Property (on post) 32 accounts
2. Housbreaking (on post) 6 accounts
and many others.
Charges that I DID recieved and pled guilty to were;
Consirisy to dispose government porperty (the planning to trow it away) ($500+)
and Disposttion of government property (the throwing it away) ($500+)
On other charge that was dismissed @ trial by the judge was;
Recieving of stolen property (government items) - Dismissed Unjustified
Here is my issue.
1. My charges were to pay a $500 fine (paid), and if not paid I would spend 60 in jail.
2. Reduced to the rank of E-2 (from E-4)
3. 30 Days hard labor by the local county
.. Item #1 Paid same day through local finance office.
.. Item #3 Was signed over to my unit and the releaced me in order to clear the base
and PCS to Korea. (I had recieved orders 2 weeks prior to the trial and was to report in 30 days, I had the flag lifted the same day and was allowed to clear and PCS.)
.. Item #4 Never happened. I have documented e-mails and to and from the prosicution and my legal rep in Texas saying that it will happen just wait, and I have a counceling I had the commander of my new unit give me as well as I asked and had my 1st line supervisor and 1SG give me one as well saying that they are aware of the situation and that with no paperwork that there is nothing they can do about it. And that the say I should still goto the E-5 promotion board.. I am due to goto the board next month.
I have been to legal and IG, I never thought it would be so hard to lose my rank.
All of that being said here are my questions...
1 - I have 8 years in the Army, reenlistment says I can not reenlist until I get PROMOTABLE status. (true or false?)
2 - Is going to the board without anyone dropping my rank with all the documented items I have showing my attempts to lose my rank going to hurt me?
3 - If I make cut off and get promoted is this going to haunt me in the future?
4 - I did a background check and found that I have 6 accounts of - Larceny of Government Property (on post), that are showing up. I have contacted everyone about this and found myselfe in the circle of finger pointing as to who is to remove them since I was only an initial suspect and never any charges filled... How do I get these removed? I need this check to go forward to the local Area commander here in order to get a POV approval, and I do not want him seeing pointless info.
5 - Is there a time limit as to when all this needs to be done? (ie. loseing of my rank), or can they come 2 years from now and say opps.. yeah lets do that now?
Thanks again for the help.. for more info on the case you can view my older post from my trial assistance.. (thanks for all that help by the way)
Please let me know anything any one may be able to help with.What is the name of your state?