I am a West Virginian attending a university in Pennsylvania. My tuition is paid for in part by a WV State Grant which is funded by federal monies. All my tuition is paid for on time except the grant in question. Every semester, the university gives me grief about this grant. During my first semester in the fall of 2001, the university received the grant one month after the start of the semester, but it seems the grant came later and later as I went through school. My grant for the spring 2005 semester was not received until July (about two months after the end of the semester). The university put my grades and schedule on hold due to "non-payment", but my counselor that oversees the loan and her superiors have informed the university on many occasions that they would receive the grant, and I was not to be penalized. The university is apathetic and penalizes me anyway.
I intend to graduate in May 2006. I am very worried that this situation will arise again and the delay of the grant will cause me to be barred from commencement exercises and my diploma held.
Is this legally negligence? Whom should I sue if I had a case?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I intend to graduate in May 2006. I am very worried that this situation will arise again and the delay of the grant will cause me to be barred from commencement exercises and my diploma held.
Is this legally negligence? Whom should I sue if I had a case?
Any help is greatly appreciated.