What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? North Carolina. My 15 year old son was voluntarily transferred to a special high school for students having problems in their old school. He quickly decided he hated it when he was finally able to attend after almost 2 weeks of not being able to ride his school bus which was not showing up or not at the same bus stop he was supposed to be at. When he was settled in at the new school, he began doing everything in his power to not attend. He would hide until after I went to work, turn off my alarm clock, etc. We received a home visit from the attendance officer and I attended a conference at his school with the assistant principal, guidance councelor and attendance officer. At this time, truancy papers were filed against me. This was the last day before Christmas break. Since that time he has attended school every day as far as I know but has been late 3 days because he missed the school bus and had to take a city bus to school. I do not drive so am unable to take him to school myself. I am terrified that I will be arrested and have been threatened with this several times. I have done everything in my power to get him to school but cannot control him and have told this to the people at the school.