What is the name of your state? South Carolina... Traveling down interstate 85 about 5:30am and I see a car infront of me swerving into my lane then onto shoulder. I get into fast lane to avoid her (thinking she may be a drunk driver), and suddenly I hit something very large and hard. (felt like driving over a short wall or something) I then swerved trying to pull to the right and off the road because I had no tires on the driver's side. 5 other cars ran over this thing in the road and all cars were undrivable. Limited injuries were noted to drivers.
The item in the middle of a major interstate was the drive shaft off of a mack truck!!! The officer at the scene said we were all lucky to be alive. He did not give triver of truck a citation, but he did tell him he would be listed as the only contributer to the accident and his Company and insurance co. would be liable for all damages to all vehicles involved.
Now, his insurance co. is taking their sweet time "investigating to determine fault" before they will do or pay out anything, including a rental car. They suggested using my own insurance co. and then they'd reimburse them and any deductibles acrrued. Of course this will mean out of pocket expenses for me, until God knows how long, that I can't afford.
I just leased this 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid less than 3 wks ago!!!! It now has $4000-5000 worth of damage (exhaust sys, gas tank, 1 motor mount, sub frame bent, 2 new wheels and tires, etc). This has already reduced the value of my car which will most likely affect the value at end of lease, costing me more money.
Insurance companies are giving me the run arround, not returning calls, disputing over labor cost at the Honda body shop vs. one of theirs. I still don't have a rental car unless I pay for it up front!! And sooo much more.
Can I sue for a new car? I'm so stressed out and going nuts. Please I need all the advice I can get. Should I call all the other victims and see if others will sue? Do I sue the insurance co, the trucking co., or both? How can I get maintanence records of the truck?
The item in the middle of a major interstate was the drive shaft off of a mack truck!!! The officer at the scene said we were all lucky to be alive. He did not give triver of truck a citation, but he did tell him he would be listed as the only contributer to the accident and his Company and insurance co. would be liable for all damages to all vehicles involved.
Now, his insurance co. is taking their sweet time "investigating to determine fault" before they will do or pay out anything, including a rental car. They suggested using my own insurance co. and then they'd reimburse them and any deductibles acrrued. Of course this will mean out of pocket expenses for me, until God knows how long, that I can't afford.
I just leased this 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid less than 3 wks ago!!!! It now has $4000-5000 worth of damage (exhaust sys, gas tank, 1 motor mount, sub frame bent, 2 new wheels and tires, etc). This has already reduced the value of my car which will most likely affect the value at end of lease, costing me more money.
Insurance companies are giving me the run arround, not returning calls, disputing over labor cost at the Honda body shop vs. one of theirs. I still don't have a rental car unless I pay for it up front!! And sooo much more.
Can I sue for a new car? I'm so stressed out and going nuts. Please I need all the advice I can get. Should I call all the other victims and see if others will sue? Do I sue the insurance co, the trucking co., or both? How can I get maintanence records of the truck?